Episode 59: Raising Faithful Kids: The Power of Family Devotions

Raising Faithful Kids: The Power of Family Devotions (Why & How to Start Today!) Episode Summary: Do you want to raise kids who love the Lord but struggle to make family devotions a consistent habit? You’re not alone! In today’s episode, we’re diving into the power of family devotions—why they matter, how they shape your […]
Episode 58: The Spirit-Led Mom: How Prayer, Sabbath & Worship Can Change Your Home

Are you a Christian mom feeling overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood, struggling to stay spiritually grounded in the midst of chaos? In this episode of Faithful Mothers, we’re diving deep into five key spiritual disciplines—prayer, Bible reading, Sabbath rest, serving as a family, and worship—and how they can transform your motherhood journey. Discover practical […]
Biblical Wisdom: Strength and Dignity for Moms

Welcome to the Faithful Mother’s Podcast. My name is Kait Isaak and my goal is simple. To bring you to the feet of Jesus in your marriage and motherhood and encourage you to cultivate a faithful heart and home. I want to help you overcome overwhelm and distraction, keep your eyes focused on the Lord, […]
Identity in Christ, Know Your Worth – Episode 2

When I Became a Mother… I know when I became a mother, I kind of lost my identity. Things that used to matter so much no longer did. As I adjusted to motherhood and later foster motherhood, I struggled with feelings of overwhelm and not knowing how to fix it because I was still figuring […]
Focus on Your Blessings – Episode 3

Start each day with a grateful heart. No matter your circumstances there is always something to be grateful for. God demands our praise and praise starts with recognizing our blessings. We live in this culture that tells us we are not enough, what we look like is not good enough, what we know is not […]
Lukewarm Christian Motherhood – Episode 4

Lukewarm Christian Motherhood I have been a Christian since I was 18 years old. I wish I could say that I have always put the Lord first but the truth is my early years as a Christian looked a lot like my years before becoming saved except I went to church on Sundays. I was […]
Self Care Strategies – Self Care, Spirit Care and Soul Care – Episode 6

Let’s talk about self care strategies vs soul care strategies today! Self care is one off the most common uttered phrases in millennial motherhood. Our culture is going a mile a minute and due to the explosion of social media we are comparing ourselves and our lives to many other moms. It’s exhausting. It’s not […]
The Proverbs 31 Woman – Episode 7

When I read this passage of scripture about the Proverbs 31 woman, I feel encouraged and convicted all at once. I mean, she sounds like the most beautiful, productive, hardworking woman. She sounds like she is adored by those closest to her. She also sounds a bit unattainable and like a little bit of a […]
Systems and Structures to Glorify God – Episode 11

This is all about systems within our homes. Systems within motherhood. This is Holy Order to me. God is a God of order and I believe this is one way we can honor Him. As I often do, I like to share a little story to start my solo podcast episodes. You see I often […]
Embracing the Adoption Wait – Why God Makes us Wait

It doesn’t matter who or what or when you are waiting for. There is often an element of pain to a big wait. The adoption wait…. well I can say from a personal (long) experience it’s a tough wait. I know there are a lot of people here who are foster and adoptive parents and […]