Are you a Christian mom feeling overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood, struggling to stay spiritually grounded in the midst of chaos? In this episode of Faithful Mothers, we’re diving deep into five key spiritual disciplinesprayer, Bible reading, Sabbath rest, serving as a family, and worship—and how they can transform your motherhood journey.

Discover practical ways to cultivate a stronger faith, lead your children by example, and create an intentional home rooted in Christ. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of raising a large family, homeschooling, or simply seeking peace and purpose in your daily life, these disciplines will help you draw closer to God and lead your family with grace.

Tune in to learn how to build daily rhythms of faith, make time for God in your busy schedule, and experience the joy of a Christ-centered motherhood.

👉 Subscribe to Faithful Mothers for more biblical encouragement, Christian parenting tips, and spiritual growth strategies designed to help you thrive as a faith-filled mom!


Welcome to the Faithful Mothers podcast. My name is Kate Isaak and my goal is simple to bring you to the feet of Jesus in your marriage and motherhood and encourage you to cultivate a faithful heart and home. I wanna help you overcome overwhelm and distraction, keep your eyes focused on the Lord and equip you for the everyday challenges motherhood entails. I pray this episode blesses you.
Hi friends and welcome back to the Faithful Mothers podcast. I’m Kate and I’m so grateful to spend this time with you here on the podcast. We’re all about helping Christian moms navigate the beautiful, yet sometimes chaotic journey of motherhood with more peace, more joy, and more purpose. So if that’s you and that’s what you’re looking for today, I’m excited to have you listen in.

Today’s topic is one that is close to my heart, because I’ve seen so much growth in my own life with it, and that is spiritual disciplines for us as Christian moms. So let’s dive right in. Let’s be honest, the days are full between diaper changes, school drop offs, meal prep work, and all the other responsibilities that fill our lives. Finding time to grow in our faith can feel overwhelming, but spiritual disciplines aren’t about adding another task to your to-do list. They’re about creating space for God to work in your heart and in your home.

So grab a cup of coffee or tea or water or whatever your drink of choice is and let’s get right to it.

So what are spiritual disciplines? I know sometimes we hear that word discipline and we’re like, eh. But I have found over and over in my life that discipline is a good thing for me. God gives us disciplines in order that we can grow closer to him. And the goal of engaging in these spiritual disciplines is to become more like Christ. They’re not about earning God’s love or checking off a box. They’re about nurturing our relationship with him. Some common spiritual disciplines include prayer, reading your Bible, worship fasting, and serving others. But as mothers, it’s essential to approach these disciplines with grace and flexibility knowing that our season of life may look different from somebody else’s.

In Psalm 46, 10, God says, be still and know that I am God.

Spiritual disciplines help us carve out these moments of stillness in the midst of our busy lives. And as we do, we’ll find our strength, our peace, and our joy renewed. So let’s talk about how we can make spiritual disciplines work in the real-life chaos of motherhood. I’m going to talk about five key practices, and let’s start off with prayer. Prayer is the cornerstone of our relationship with God.
When you have a little ones climbing over you or teens needing a ride to practice, long, uninterrupted prayer times can feel impossible. But that’s okay. I wanna encourage you to try breath prayers. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard about breath prayers, but try these breath prayers throughout the day. For example, when you’re washing the dishes, pray, Lord, give me strength. Or when you’re putting your kids to bed, whisper, thank you God, for this moment,
make prayer, a natural, ongoing conversation with God. We can just say these small breath prayers as we breathe in. Lord, help me in this moment as we breathe. Lord, I give this day to you and it’s just bringing us back and centering us back to God’s will to connection with God.
It doesn’t have to be this long overdrawn prayer out loud every single day, but these small breath prayers can really help us be intentional with the discipline of prayer.

Bible reading daily quiet time might be a challenge. I know there’s seasons in my motherhood where it has been, thankfully I’m in a season right now where it’s not quite as challenging. But no matter what season we find ourself in God’s word is still accessible to us. And I wanna encourage you in this day and age, God’s word is more accessible than it’s ever been. I have implemented more and more listening to the Bible. Um, that’s just helped me get it in, get my time in with the Lord while you’re folding laundry or while you’re driving. If you have a lot of driving to do, use the Bible app and listen, I like to use the daily audio Bible. There’s a short devotional often with them as well. You can listen to them, um, by Psalms or by Proverbs or in chronological order or just Old Testament, just old, old New Testament. But there’s all sorts of Bible reading plans you can listen to.

Keep a verse card on your fridge or you know, by your sink and meditate on that verse throughout the day. Pick a verse as a family throughout the week that you’re meditating on and trying to commit to memory. If you’re looking for more structure. There’s all sorts of resources out there. I use my regular planner to write in what I plan on reading that day, and I do that in advance for the week as right now I’m going through the gospels. I’m in Luke right now. So on each day I have an area to write what chapters of the Bible I’m going to read. I put this in my dream with God, life planner that I created. And it just really helps me to commit to what I’ve said. I’m going to read

Worship. Worship doesn’t have to be reserved for Sunday mornings. If that is where you’re at right now, play worship music while you’re making breakfast. Turn it into a dance party with your kids. Worship shifts are focused from our problems to God’s greatness. We almost exclusively listen to worship. Sure, there’s some Disney, some Mary Poppins right now ’cause my daughter is um, in the play for that. But we almost exclusively listen to worship and it’s on all the time during the day. I’ve recently added listening to Christian instrumental worship while I’m working out at the end of my workout. I’ve tried to do a couple songs of that or I put that on at dinnertime. So there’s no words, there’s not added extra noise, but just the instrumentals, um, playing in the background at dinnertime, worship can just change so much of your day. Take that focus off of us and our problems and put our focus on him

Sabbath. I know as moms rest can feel like a luxury, but Sabbath isn’t just about taking a break. It’s about trusting God with our time. It’s about trusting God with our resources. Set aside an hour each week, even if you’re not up to a full Sabbath day. Just set aside an hour each week to rest and connect with God. Use that time to reflect, to pray, or simply enjoy his presence. I, we go to church on Sundays and then the rest of the day we really just try to keep it open for Sabbath. Um, it will look a little bit different, but after church is just a rest, everybody just has wind down time. I will use this time to like reflect on my week. If it’s the end of the month, reflect on the month and just like set goals with God for what I want for this upcoming month. Just take time to listen and reflect what I, I hear him saying to me in the, in that moment, listening to meditations, there’s different ways that we’ll do this. We go to the beach often as a family and just en enjoy his creation. But so often when we’re trying to fill in all the business on that seventh day on that last day, it’s us trying to take control when I really think it’s God honoring to just give back control to him and rest and engage in the biblical mandate of Sabbath.
Sabbath has just done so much for my life.

Another one I wanna mention is serving as a family service is a beautiful way to teach our children about God’s love. Look for simple ways to serve together, whether it’s baking cookies for a neighbor, writing, encouraging notes for some of the elderly people in your church or volunteering as a family. Serving others helps us live out our faith in a tangible way. That’s a big part of our family culture. And if that’s not a part of your family culture, I really encourage it. I really think you’re gonna see great fruit from it. So maybe you just find like you can’t get everything done every day and there’s just so much that you need to accomplish and so much that you need to do. And often when we get caught on making these spiritual disciplines a checkbox that we have to check,
this is where the enemy can come in and he can use guilt and perfectionism to discourage us. So if you miss a day of prayer or you feel like your Bible reading isn’t enough or it feels like you’re always feeling, let me remind you, God’s grace is sufficient. Sorry, it’s super windy and there’s a tree like
brushing against the building I’m in. So I apologize if you can hear that in the background. We are in windy season here in Nicaragua, but, uh, a verse that God has just put on my heart really since last April that I’ve just keep coming back to over and over. I’ve talked about it recently on the podcast. I know, but Matthew 1128, Jesus says, come to me all who are weary and burdened. I will give you rest. God is not asking for perfection. He’s inviting you into his presence. Spiritual disciplines are a gift. They’re not a burden. Focus on progress, not perfection, and trust God to meet you where you are. 

So let’s talk about some tips for staying consistent. Consistency is one of my big words for this year. It’s something that I struggle with. I have great vision and great plans and you know, great intentions, but consistency is something that I’ve consistently struggled with over and over. So it’s really something I wanna focus on this year. So start small, begin with one discipline and build from there. Even five minutes a day can make a difference just coming back to the Lord consistently. Whether that’s in prayer, whether that’s in Bible reading, whether that’s in our Sabbath, but doing it consistently on a regular basis, you are going to see great fruit from that set. Reminders for yourself. Use alarms, sticky notes or apps to remind you to pause and connect with God. One that I always like to think of is when I put my keys in the ignition, I just take a quick second to pray. When I’m doing dishes at night, I will put on worship and I just use that time to like connect and recenter myself after the busyness of the day before the dinner hour with my kids. Um, involve your kids. Let them see you pray. Read the Bible and worship. Invite them to join you when appropriate. You’ll see that they will start reminding you when you’ve missed something, when you’ve made it a regular habit of inviting them into it.

Find accountability. Connect with a friend or join a small group to, to encourage each other in your faith journey. I’d love to hold you accountable. I’d love for you to hold me accountable. You can connect with me over email or through Instagram or my YouTube channel. Um, let me know what spiritual discipline that you are trying to grow in, and I would love to help hold you accountable in that. We also have a Facebook group that I’m trying to get up and going to hold, um, other moms accountable and just be, sometimes we don’t have that in our real life, right? I live in a very secluded area. The majority of the people around me on a daily basis do not speak English. It’s hard to hold. Um, have accountability partners in my real life, everyday life. So I love to have some online accountability partners. So if you’re interested in that, email me or reach out through social media.
Um, and remember to give yourself grace. Life happens. If you miss a day, just start again tomorrow. God’s mercies are new every morning,
ladies, as spiritual disciplines are not about what we do for God, but about what he’s doing in us. As we lean into these practices, we find ourselves more rooted in his love, equipped for the challenges of motherhood and filled with his peace. We find ourselves to be better mothers, better wives, better members of our society and our church when we are taking time to practice these disciplines with the Lord. Another big one is fasting. We’re not gonna get into that today. I think I’m gonna do a whole other podcast episode on that, but it’s something I’ve been trying to strengthen in my own life. I recently did my first three day fast. I’m thinking of doing another one again soon. But spiritual disciplines are so good for us. They’re so good to keep us connected to our vine.
John 15, he is the vine and we are the branches we must abide in him. I love those verses in John. I hope this episode has encouraged you to take a step toward deepening your relationship with God. If you’ve been blessed by this conversation, I’d love for you to share it with another mom who might need this encouragement today. If you haven’t already, make sure to follow the podcast and leave a review so other moms can join our community. Thank you so much for being here with me today. Let’s keep seeking Jesus together one day at a time.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day. Lord, I just ask for my sister in Christ listening right now. Lord, I just ask that you, um, reveal to her one spiritual discipline in this moment that you want her to work on. Lord, how can she get closer to you? Lord,
we all crave more of you Jesus. And if we’re not craving more of you, Lord, I ask you to put that craving on our hearts. Lord, help us get to know you better. Help us come to you with all of our things. Help us not to go to other places. Lord, help us not to put other things before you Lord. So there’s one spiritual practice, Lord. Whether that’s prayer, whether that’s fasting, whether that’s getting to know you more through knowledge, through reading your word on a more regular basis, Lord, whether that’s serving with our families. Whatever it is, Lord, help us to grow in that area that you’re putting on our hearts right now. Lord, we bring it to you. We give it to you. Lord, we love you Jesus. We thank you for all you’ve done and who you are. We thank you for all you’ll continue to do in our lives. We ask that you’re with us in each moment, in our motherhood, Lord and in our marriages, Lord, and just all that you’ve called us to do as individuals for your kingdom. We ask all these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

Until next week, friends, stay blessed.

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